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Weekly Club Rides

The following are standing rides put on by the Riverside Bicycle Club and open to the public.

ALL RIDERS MUST WEAR A HELMET, and Lights are required for the night rides.

We suggest that you have the following items for a safe journey.

  • Cell phone
  • 2 water bottles or hydration pack.
  • Flat fixers: spare tube, patch kit, tire iron, pump or C02.
  • Energy snacks
  • Money for rest stops to purchase food and beverage
  • ID card and Health insurance card.
  • A bike that has the tire air pressure checked, lubed chain, properly working shifter and brakes.

Sunday Weekly Road Ride


7:30 AM: May thru Sept 11th & Main Street Riverside, CA 92522
 8:00 AM: Oct thru April Same




Sunday Road Ride Groups

 Group Mileage
Average MPH
 A  45 to 60
 Moderate to Difficult
19 to 21
 B  35 to 50
Moderate to Difficult
17 to 19
 C 30 to 40
Flat, rolling hills, moderate climbing
14 to 16
 D 20 to 35 Flat, rolling hills, moderate climbing 11 to 13
 E15 to 25
Groups abilities that day determine terrain
10 to 12

Tuesday and Thursday Weekly Road Ride

 Time  Description Location
Evenings: check with ride leader

Fast, medium & slow groups.  Slow group may not ride in winter.

Stater Brothers, c/o Lincoln & Mary, Riverside
Morning; 7:30 summer 8:00 winter C paced ride, 13-15mph
Stater Brothers, c/o Lincoln & Mary, Riverside
Tuesday and Thursday  Road Ride Groups
 Ave Speed
 Fast & Medium group
15 to 30
 moderate hills
 15 +
 Slow group
10 to 20
some hills
 10 to 15
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